Christine Cardon the Liar, the Cheat and the Delusion.

Christine Cardon – NLP Liar


The Liar.

NLP the fake pseudo-science of modelling language, behaviour, and thought patterns is in fact a cult like fraud. It teaches the techniques of the confidence trickster. “Rapport” is nothing more than reeling your victim in, building up trust before you scam them. The linguistic tricks are just a method of lying. 

Christine told me she was now a successful business woman working in Amsterdam and the USA.
“I go to Baltimore not as glamorous as NY but not bad for business trip. Next time i ll go to WDC & NY.”
Well she works in Amsterdam and once had a business trip to Baltimore. WDC and NY turn out to be a fantasy personal trip. A subtle difference that takes time to see through, but it is a lie. 

Christine told me about when she was unemployed for a year, she said she went to university and read books to improve herself. The truth is she paid to go to an NLP seminar, typically 5 to 15 days, and was presented with a certificate for attending. No examination or evaluation was carried out. The subject itself is a fake and they don’t teach it at universities only at scam fake schools. NLP Practitioner certificates can be obtained online for less than £500 in the guise of Computer Based Training (CBT).

She told many more lies, she even advised me to lie on my CV like she does, now I can’t believe anything she said.

The Cheat.

Cheating on men is not all that unusual, many seek the BBD. But what is unusual about Christine is her change in attitude towards it. Last time when she cheated on me she was genuinely regretful after a one night stand. This time she cheated on someone else with me. It was pre-planned and deliberately executed with skilled deception. She showed no remorse and couldn’t even see that it was wrong. It’s just standard practice for an NLPer to cheat and lie to achieve their aims.

The Delusion.

NLP subjects people to various mind control techniques, more commonly referred to as brainwashing, in order for them to believe in the program. Deluding themselves that the program works and has made them have a happier life is the foundation of this. Christine’s emails shows how effective this can be.

“i want a good life and just be happy.”
“Well that s for me not exciting like you but i just concentrated on myself and career. “

The new gods of self-fulfilment and personal wealth are what NLP teaches brings happiness. I remember admiring the view from a New York upper west-side penthouse one Thanksgiving Day. It was when I thought I had it all, but I wasn’t happy, one thing was missing in my life. It was the feeling of love I felt when Christine and I were together.

“I loved you so much never felt like this before , it was overwhelming for me. I wanted to experience other things too and we both felt the same. If only i had met you later on but indeed i cant change the past but i dont regret any of it! I ow you lots, you were fab and we had great times. “
“I never felt anything like this again and like you doubt that i will ever again so i am very happy to have had those feelings has many people go through life without experience this.”

She does not speak for me and I hate having words put in my mouth, something NLPers do all the time. Christine never allowed me to respond. I never felt happy about losing her and I do regret it. I never wanted to separate and search for materialistic things. I wanted real happiness not the delusion of it.

I find it so sad to see Christine now reduced by NLP to being happy living a delusion. She has been robbed of true fulfilment and happiness.

NLP is a fake and a fraud and it turns people into fakes and frauds.

May Christine one day escape NLP and rejoin the human race.


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