Christine Cardon and NLP “Therapy”

One of the many bizarre things Christine Cardon said to me was “We don’t believe in conventional therapy”.

Not knowing anything of NLP or who “we” referred to I of course had no idea what she was on about and just consigned the comment to yet more weirdness. Now I am aware that NLP is a cult consisting of pseudoscience masquerading as therapy, it is obvious to me that convincing their victims to distrust real psychotherapy is essential to prevent them receiving the treatment they require and be able to exit the cult.

NLP Therapist

This still leaves me with the question of who is “we”?

She also said “I forgot you are sensitive, I’m not used to that, quite the opposite”. Well I’m not particularly sensitive, I just don’t enjoy a barrage of insults like she was subjecting me to at the time. So who exactly does? Who are the people she associates with now? How on earth can they not see that her behaviour is so extremely antisocial that there is something wrong wither her? How can they not try and help her?

The only conclusion I can come to is that they are also members of the NLP cult.

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