Brainwashing Christine Cardon.

Brainwashing Christine Cardon in 3 simple steps:

First they made her forget who she was.

Secondly they taught her to be an obnoxious sociopath.

Thirdly they taught her not to care that people find her obnoxious and to run and hide from anyone that points out her antisocial behaviour.

That’s the “genius” of NLP.

Christine Cardon still Brainwashed Away

Christine Cardon Fraudster
Christine Cardon Fake

Time has passed, much more water has flowed under the bridge since I last wrote. Then yet another futile attempt to censor me gave me cause to think again about those 3 traumatic days spent with Christine. She looks like Christine Cardon minus the beautiful long hair, she sounds like Christine Cardon minus the sexy French accent, but underneath the superficial, all humanity has been sucked out. I had never met a sociopath before and it is truly shocking to meet someone with no feelings whatsoever, a complete indifference to all human kind, a selfishness and arrogance beyond parallel.


I still have anger that she manipulated and tricked me into inviting her here, and tricked me into bed, by not telling me she had a boyfriend, pretending to be excited to see me, pretending to care about me and my plight. That was all NLP fake rapport, like all NLPers she only cares about herself. But even though that anger will never leave me, it is overwhelmed by my sadness to see the psychological damage done to her by NLP. She didn’t become evil on her own, people did that to her. I will never forget the personality now deleted.

Christine Cardon The Human