NLP is Brainwashing.

When I started this blog I was dazed and confused, I’m sure Christine tried to NLP me. I couldn’t understand many aspects of her behaviour or understand what goes on in “The weird and wonderfull world of Christine Cardon” (her words not mine). I thought brainwashing cults were a thing that only happened in the movies. So unable to communicate with her directly I resorted to the childish act of yelling at the top of my (internet) voice until I got through. It’s not possible to penetrate the thick layer of NLP shit in which Christine is encased so it’s most likely all in vain.
A word of warning:

NLP is often dismissed as harmless woo, it’s not, it can do real damage. If anything promises to “reprogram” your brain beware. Anything that alters your core belief system is brainwashing. If anyone offers to help you forget bad memories by erasing or altering them that is the very definition of brainwashing. NLP is Brainwashing.

Christine Cardon
NLP is Brainwashing.

Think about this:

Your memories are who you are, if you delete them you delete yourself.

To yourself, you are the sum of your thoughts.

To others, you are the sum of your actions.

Meeting someone you once knew intimately after they have been brainwashed is a spine chilling experience.

NLP is a fraud based on a lie. Christine Cardon is a liar based on a fraud. That is it, that is all there was to understand.

The NLP lie explained by Dr Novella, academic clinical neurologist at Yale University School of Medicine.

NLP Brainwashing Victim

Christine’s favourite mantra is “The past is past move on”.

The mantra is a classic brainwashing technique. Repeat until you cease to question it. Remember the past never leave its lessons behind.
My favourite Winston Churchill quote:

“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

Christine’s favourite Winston Churchill quote:

“You create your own universe as you go along.”

He didn’t mean invent an imaginary world that only exists inside your own mind. He didn’t mean act selfishly. He was talking about doing good for the advancement of human kind.

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